- Manually inspect contents. Unfortunately, it's hard to give guidelines here. One goal is to look for contents (files, directories) that do not belong into the archive (e.g., tmp folders,).
- Test tools --- Linux & Windows
- Execute user guide examples:
- ch2--bookstore-application
./gradlew run
- ch2--manual-instrumentation
./gradlew runMonitoring ./gradlew runAnalysis -Danalysis.directory=<DIR>
- ch3-4--custom-components
./gradlew runMonitoringAndAnalysis
- ch5--trace-monitoring-aspectj
./gradlew runExampleOperationExecution ./gradlew runExampleFlowEvents
- appendix-JMS -- see instructions in user guide appendix
- appendix-AMQP -- see instructions in user guide appendix
- appendix-Sigar -- see instructions in user guide appendix
- JavaEEServletContainerExample -- see instructions in user guide appendix
- Demo (also included in JavaEEServletContainerExample)
- ch2--bookstore-application
- Execute the other examples