- Save the files downloaded from the Jenkins job. An all-in-one zip can be obtained from https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/jenkins/job/kieker-monitoring/job/kieker/job/<version>/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/*zip*/archive.zip
- Copy HISTORY to root dir as README unzip kieker-1.11-binaries.zip && cp kieker-*/HISTORY README && rm -rf kieker-1.11/
- Compute MD5 sums for all files
- Linux: md5sum * > md5sums.txt
- Mac md5 * > md5sums.txt
- Compare MD5 sums with the files on Jenkins!
4.2 GitHub
- Create a release
- Select the right tagto create a new tag and select the branch
- Release name is "Kieker <version>"
- Upload binariesfiles:
4.3 Web site (API)
- Publish API (Javadoc) in https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/api
- Prepare artifacts
- Create kieker-<version>.pom, e.g., from local repo, e.g., ~/.m2/repository/net/kieker-monitoring/kieker/1.15/kieker-1.15.pom
- Sign files with
- for f in *; do gpg -u 8E97E26A -ab
- $f; done
- Resulting set of files:
kieker-1.13-aspectj.jar kieker-1.13-emf.jar kieker-1.13.jar kieker-1.13-javadoc.jar kieker-1.13.pom kieker-1.13-sources.jar
kieker-1.13-aspectj.jar.asc kieker-1.13-emf.jar.asc kieker-1.13.jar.asc kieker-1.13-javadoc.jar.asc kieker-1.13.pom.asc kieker-1.13-sources.jar.asc
- Publish release in Staging Repository (see also 8a. Release It (Sonatype User Guide) )
- Login to https://oss.sonatype.org/index.html#stagingRepositories (with Sonatype JIRA credentials)
- Select Staging upload → Artifact(s) with POM
- Upload the files from above including the .asc files (note that Sonatype does not ask for it here but will complain later in the staging repository)
- Select Staging repositories and filter by netkieker and you should see the repository with status open (last time, it was closed already)
- Inspect the files.
- If everything's fine, trigger the "Release" operation. Note that this step is irreversible (i.e., a file once published at Maven Central cannot be replaced)!