To discuss: Why does MooBenchs default instrumentation create different record types (OperationExecutionRecord, ApplicationTraceMetadata, BeforeOperationEvent and AfterOperationEvent)? Shouldn’t Before/AfterOperationEvent be sufficient? Instrumentation is kieker.monitoring.probe.aspectj.flow.operationExecution.FullInstrumentation
Log replayer and analysis for TeaStore still does not work:
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1948 David identifies the first wrong record and discusses this with André
Kieker setup: eclipse does not recognize package structure
Reiner has a look at the problem
(EDIT) Issue is created:
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1966
MooBench No Logging / Binary Writer examination paper: Warmup experiments started, waiting for results