To discuss:
How to go on with DiSL?
(Related toJira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1961
)Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1000 Separate deployment jar with disl classifier
TeaStore debugging
TrackingFilter seems like TeaStore needs OperationExecutionRecord (kieker.monitoring.probe.aspectj.operationExecution.OperationExecutionAspectFull)
With OperationExecutionRecord: Traces are considered invalid, even though they are valid (
Caused by: kieker.tools.trace.analysis.filter.traceReconstruction.InvalidTraceException: First execution must have ess 0 (found 1)
)Minimal example with only one previously broken trace id works
Combine two traces, including a broken one; Afterwards incrementally increase number of traces
Ask Reiner for results of last debugging session (What was wrong in Filter?)
To discuss:
Why does MooBenchs default instrumentation create different record types (OperationExecutionRecord, ApplicationTraceMetadata, BeforeOperationEvent and AfterOperationEvent)? Shouldn’t Before/AfterOperationEvent be sufficient? Instrumentation is kieker.monitoring.probe.aspectj.flow.operationExecution.FullInstrumentation
Is it right that MooBenchs default instrumentation does not create empty constructor call data?
→ Yes, its intended; flow.operationExecution does not work in Java 17+ (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70411097/instrument-java-17-with-aspectj ); therefore, we need to restructure all the records
Separation of Before/After Records -> David creates ticket
MooBench generally works again after fix, inspectIT needs fix → David Georg Reichelt contacts Novatec
Thesis -> Theses -> Andre van Hoorn checks thesis
Logreplyer on TeaStore data still does not work on bigger traces; discuss next time