Java 21 support requires an AspectJ update
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1971 Hopefully, there is some way changing the classpath in the aspectj gradle plugin:https://github.com/freefair/gradle-plugins/issues/1005
Didn’t work in https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/actions/runs/7421185662/job/20194020069
Somehow magically worked in https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/actions/runs/7424136205 - maybe the update to was already sufficient for our featureset? (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/pull/480 )
There was still a configuration error in
; wait for Jenkins build and than merge
Refactoring MooBench (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/issues/9 )
Started and works basically for Kieker (except the Java 21 thing)
Adapted for OpenTelemetry-java (is this good style? https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/blob/59f09ebecb9d908b7da93613107670dbaa8053e7/frameworks/OpenTelemetry-java/functions.sh#L45
Kieker-python still needs adaption (copy OpenTelemetry-java style?)
Do we want to continue inspectIT regular execution (since the website still has the roadmap for 2022…) → Leave it running, but remove it if problems occur
Website still needs adaption → Currently failure due to unknown error; rerun on Jenkins started
In general: Change to “Kieker-java-aspectj”, “Kieker-java-DiSL”, …? → Yes
Kieker usage for Micro-company (https://github.com/DaGeRe/micro-company/tree/kieker ): How to fix logging issue?
TeeTime does not compile → We need GH actions like for Kieker: https://github.com/teetime-framework/TeeTime/pull/45
Locally, when checking out Kieker, sometimes the error “Could not find teetime-3.1.0-test.jar (de.cau.cs.se.teetime:teetime:3.1.0).” occurs. Is there a solution / workaround for this?
Ask Reiner: What is the rights situation with TeeTime? We need the rights to merge at least
If there is no TeeTime organization anymore, it might make sense to fork the core TeeTime to the kieker organization and consider it as another Kieker project
Next meeting: 24.1. 10:00
Documentation: Reiner fixed quickstart guide (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/blob/main/documentation/quick-start-guide.rst )
Open PR: Reiner has a look at https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/pull/421
AOPalliance ticket: David finalizes https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/browse/KIEKER-1962https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/browse/KIEKER-1962
Instrumentation research: Besides DiSL, we could try BISM (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10009-023-00708-z)