Spring boot: Still in progress (David)
Security problem in documentation: Still in progess (
Reiner)Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1982 build.gradle publishing: Try to move to parent build.gradle (David)
Spring probe extraction: Wait for build in https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/view/Kieker/job/kieker-dev/view/change-requests/job/PR-548/, whether
implementation "net.kieker-monitoring:kieker:${kiekerVersion}:spring"
worksgit command not found for main release check (https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/view/Kieker/job/kieker-release-check/job/main/75/console) → David contacts Matthias
Open tickets for 2.0.0
(wait for Matthias)Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1809 Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1933
Should be ready to merge
Spring: Interceptors still don’t work for spring boot, because they don’t select the methods → Is there something missing?
There is a security vulnerability:
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1982 Duplicated publishing information necessary? https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/KIEKER/issues/KIEKER-1979?