- Create directory <version-number> (with subdirs javadoc/, webgui/, maven/ and jar/) in kieker.releases Git
$ mkdir javadoc/ webgui/ maven/ jar/
- Save the files downloaded from the Jenkins jobs.
- To get the jar/ files, unzip a binary release archive and copy the files from there unzip kieker-1.11-binaries.zip && cp kieker-*/build/libs/kieker*.jar jar/ && rm -rf kieker-1.11/
- Download the *-javadoc.jar and *-sources.jar files from http://kieker.job. An all-in-one zip can be obtained from https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/jenkins/job/kieker-RC-release/ws/build/libs/ to the local jar directorymonitoring/job/kieker/job/<version>/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/*zip*/archive.zip
- Copy HISTORY to root dir as README unzip kieker-1.11-binaries.zip && cp kieker-*/HISTORY README && rm -rf kieker-1.11/
- Copy kieker-1.11-userguide.pdf to root dir unzip kieker-1.11-binaries.zip && cp kieker-*/doc/*userguide*.pdf . && rm -rf kieker-1.11
- Compute MD5 sums for all files (separate files for the root dir, and the subdirs) CUR=$PWD; for d in $(find -type d); do cd $d && echo $d; (md5sum * > md5sums.txt); cd $CUR; done
- Compare MD5 sums with the files on Jenkins! find -name "md5sums.txt" -exec cat {} \; | grep -v md5sums.txt | awk '{ print $2 "\t" $1 }' | sort | uniq