- Send release to SPEC RG release manager for publication at http://research.spec.org/tools.html
Post Release
- Merge the branche's changes (if such) Create a tag for 1.13
- Create a branch from the release branch to merge the changes back to master
(1.13)*$ git checkout master $ git merge 1.7- Create a tag <version-number> (e.g., with gitk)
- Update version number in the gradle.properties file (note remember to include -SNAPSHOT!)
- Execute gradle Execute $ ./gradlew clean distribute -x check -x test to update version strings
- Update version number in the Eclipse settings (@since tag) .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
- Commit the changes Trigger Jenkins buildand push
$ git commit -am "merging release branch back to master"
$ git push origin 1.13-back-to-master - Create a pull request on GitHub to the master branch
- Wait for the checks of the pull request to be successful
- // TODO continue
- Delete local and remote branch 1.9
git branch -d 1.9 git push origin --delete 1.9
- Push tag git push origin 1.9
- Update version numbers on http://kieker-monitoring.net/download/nightly/