- Note that the kieker-RC-release already pushed the file to the Staging Repository
- Inspect and publish release in Staging Repository (see also 8a. Release It (Sonatype User Guide) )
- Login to https://oss.sonatype.org/index.html#stagingRepositories (with Sonatype JIRA credentials)
- Filter by netkieker and you should see the repository with status open
- Inspect the file and trigger the "Close" operation. An email will be sent, which contains SHA1 checksums to be compared
- Inspect the snapshot repository (Refresh Staging Repositories view and the repo should appear with Status Closed)
- If everything's fine, trigger the "Release" operation. Note that this step is irreversible (i.e., a file once published at Maven Central cannot be replaced)!
- Jenkins cleanup:
- Disable the jobs kieker-RC and kieker-RC-release
6. Announce Release
- Update web site (Sometimes easiest to search/replace in separate editor):
- Side menu (via WordPress "Appearance->Menues")
- http://kieker-monitoring.net/download/ (note that web gui may not be available, yet)
- http://kieker-monitoring.net/download/nightly/ (note that web gui may not be available, yet)
- http://kieker-monitoring.net/release-notes/
- Upload user guide to http://eprints.uni-kiel.de/16537/ and move to top position in list (arrows)
- http://kieker-monitoring.net/documentation/
- http://kieker.uni-kiel.de/trac/wiki/releases#TemplateforaScheduleTowardsaRelease
- http://kieker.uni-kiel.de/trac/admin/ticket/milestones (Set completion date; set default to next release; add second-next release as milestone)
- http://kieker.uni-kiel.de/trac/admin/ticket/versions (Add released version, + next-SNAPSHOT and set to default; remove old SNAPSHOT)
- Update Kieker calendar (if new release dates added)
- http://kieker-monitoring.net/documentation/quickstart-guide/ (+ Eclipse version)
- Create news post on Kieker web site. Template:
Title: Kieker <VERSION> released Body: On October 1, 2015, we released version 1.12 of our Kieker framework for application performance monitoring and dynamic software analysis. As usual, the release is available for download at http://kieker-monitoring.net/download/. PASTE HISTORY FILE For details and download see http://kieker-monitoring.net/
- Send mail to users and develops list (template above)
Post Release
- Create a tag for 1.13 (for instance, with gitg)
- Create a branch from the release branch to merge the changes back to master
(1.13)*$ git checkout -b 1.13-back-to-master - Update version number in the gradle.properties file (remember to include -SNAPSHOT!)
- Execute $ ./gradlew clean distribute -x check -x test to update version strings
- Update version number in the Eclipse settings (@since tag) .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
- Commit the changes and push
$ git commit -am "merging release branch back to master"
$ git push origin 1.13-back-to-master - Create a pull request on GitHub to the master branch
- Wait for the checks of the pull request to be successful
- // TODO continue
- Delete local and remote branch 1.9
git branch -d 1.9 git push origin --delete 1.9
- Push tag git push origin 1.9
- Update version numbers on http://kieker-monitoring.net/download/nightly/