Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Easiest way: Via scp (command line or ui like filezilla)
  • Alternatively: Uploads via the File browser.
    1. /
      1. kieker-<version>|tar.gz
      2. kieker-<version>|tar.gz
      3. kieker-userguide.pdf (e.g., extracted from zip)
      4. README (copy of HISTORY)
    2. /javadoc/
      1. kieker-<version>-javadoc.jar
    3. Check MD5 sums! (takes a while to become available on SF)
    4. Set kieker-<version> as default artifact for all platforms

4.2 GitHub


  • Create a release
  • Select the right tag
  • Release name is "Kieker <version>"
  • Upload binaries

4.3 Web site (API)

  1. Publish API (Javadoc) on website
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (


  1. Create a tag for 1.13 (for instance, with gitg)
  2. Create a branch from the release branch to merge the changes back to master
    (1.13)*$ git checkout -b 1.13-back-to-master
  3. Update version number in the file (remember to include -SNAPSHOT!)
  4. Execute $ ./gradlew clean distribute -x check -x test to update version strings
  5. Update version number in the Eclipse settings (@since tag) .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
  6. Commit the changes and push
    $ git commit -am "merging release branch back to master"
    $ git push origin 1.13-back-to-master
  7. Create a pull request on GitHub to the master branch
  8. Wait for the checks of the pull request to be successful// TODO continue
  9. Delete local and remote branch 1.9
       git branch -d 1.9
       git push origin --delete 1.9
  10. Push tag git push origin 1.9
  11. Update version numbers on
