- Prepare artifacts
- Create kieker-<version>.pom, e.g., from SNAPSHOT upload (change version names
- Sign files with gpg -u 8E97E26A -ab <file>
- Resulting set of files:
kieker-1.13-aspectj.jar kieker-1.13-emf.jar kieker-1.13.jar kieker-1.13-javadoc.jar kieker-1.13.pom kieker-1.13-sources.jar
kieker-1.13-aspectj.jar.asc kieker-1.13-emf.jar.asc kieker-1.13.jar.asc kieker-1.13-javadoc.jar.asc kieker-1.13.pom.asc kieker-1.13-sources.jar.asc
- Publish release in Staging Repository (see also 8a. Release It (Sonatype User Guide) )
- Login to https://oss.sonatype.org/index.html#stagingRepositories (with Sonatype JIRA credentials)
- Select Staging upload → Artifact(s) with POM
- Upload the files from above including the .asc files
- Select Staging repositories and filter by netkieker and you should see the repository with status open
- Inspect the file and trigger the "Close" operation. An email will be sent, which contains SHA1 checksums to be comparedInspect the snapshot repository (Refresh Staging Repositories view and the repo should appear with Status Closed)files.
- If everything's fine, trigger the "Release" operation. Note that this step is irreversible (i.e., a file once published at Maven Central cannot be replaced)!