Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Create a tag for 1.13 (for instance, with gitg)
  2. Create a branch from the release branch to merge the changes back to master
    (1.13)*$ git checkout -b 1.13-back-to-master
  3. Update version number in the file (remember to include -SNAPSHOT!)
  4. Execute $ ./gradlew clean distribute -x check -x test to update version strings
  5. Update version number in the Eclipse settings (@since tag) .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
  6. Commit the changes and push
    $ git commit -am "merging release branch back to master"
    $ git push origin 1.13-back-to-master
  7. Create a pull request on GitHub to the master branch
  8. Wait for the checks of the pull request to be successful
  9. Delete local and remote branch 1.9
       git branch -d 1.9
       git push origin --delete 1.9
  10. Push tag git push origin 1.9
  11. Update version numbers on
  12. Update version number in
  13. Run Eclipse function to scan record API and generate test classes
    1. The tool is available in
    2. import
  14. Run tests
  15. On errors determine cause and create tickets

9. Initial Actions for Next Version
