This page should be used to collect ideas to shape Kieker's delivery pipeline
Current Situation (for the Kieker core)
- Jenkins used with the following use cases
- Regular build of commits
Code Block ./ jenkinsBuild --stacktrace
- Nightly release creation
- job:
Code Block ./ jenkinsNightlyBuild //// This includes the automatic test of release archives (bin/dev/ chmod +x kieker-examples/OverheadEvaluationMicrobenchmark/ kieker-examples/OverheadEvaluationMicrobenchmark/
- Release creation
- Operates only on the respective release branch
- job 1:
Code Block ./ jenkinsBuild --stacktrace
- job 2:
Code Block ./ jenkinsNightlyBuild
- Regular build of commits
Target Scenario
- Pipeline template not only for the Kieker core but also for other projects in the "Kieker orbit"
- Test with different versions of Java (6?, 7, 8)
- No artifact is being rebuild. In each stage after the build stage, the build artifacts from the build stage are used.
- Does it make sense to have a stable branch in addition to master into which only those changesets are merged that passed the entire pipeline?
- Do we want to have a gatekeeper condition (threshold) on the regression benchmark?
- Build
- Compiles, creates the release artifacts, runs the (fast) unit tests, maybe some smoke tests + static code analysis
- Integration Test
- Runs the more expensive integration tests
- User Acceptance Test
How do we map the stages to Gradle tasks?
Pull Request Check
- Goal: Makes sure that a pull request can be merged without conflict, can be compiled, passes the unit tests + static code analysis check and (more? we probably want to exclude the benchmarking here)
- Branch: any?
- Trigger: Pull request
- Executed stages: build
- Goal: Extensive quality control on the master branch. Automatically merge to a stable branch?
- Branch: master
- Trigger: Commit to master
- Executed stages: all except for UAT and performance regression benchmark
Nightly Release
- Goal: Execute all stages of the pipeline except for the UAT and uploads a SNAPSHOT release to Maven Central (automatically available there)
- Branch: master
- Trigger: Cron (once a day)
- Executes stages: all except for UAT.
- Goal: Create and test the artifacts for a release candidate and upload the candidate to Maven Central (manual trigger for the actual release)
- Trigger: Manual
- Executed stages: all (particularly including manual UAT), maybe except for performance benchmark?
Possible Implementations
- Problems:
- No explicit pipeline concept
- Re-use of artifacts between stages not explicitly supported
- Configuration via VCS not possible
Travis CI
- Problems:
- No pipeline concept
- How are artifacts released (no access to workspace)
- Re-use of artifacts between stages not explicitly supported
Snap CI
- Benefits:
- Explicit pipelines
- Re-use of artifacts among stages
- Problems:
- Cost model?
- Configuration via VCS not possible?