The dev meetings minutes are now moved to https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/wiki/Kieker-Dev-Meetings-2024
Switch to github for the ticket system
Reiner Jung has created a backup of the tickets and will send them to Shinhyung.
Cloudprofiler: Shinhyung discusses running it with MooBench
What to do with the content of Confluence?
Passwords got to an encrypted keypass file and then onto a github private repository
Release documentation will be moved to the readthedocs documentation
Meetings minutes will be moved to GitHub wiki
Release preparation 2.0.0
OpenTelemetry compability
Bachelor thesis (not reusable): Create a TeeTime stage that exports Kieker OperationExecutionRecords to OpenTelemetry span https://github.com/Col20s/kieker/blob/main/OpenTelemetryStage.java
Willli suggest: Use IRL for compatibility DSL / Xtext
Python (Serafims work)
→ Shinhyung needs Jira and Jenkins access, and than takes care of itJira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1983
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1809
MooBench: Since results are reasonably stable, no increase of NUM_OF_LOOPS (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/issues/9 )
Logging doesn’t work in MooBench: https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/issues/12
Whats the matter with PutStrategy and InsertBehaviour? (Default value currently makes multiple thread monitoring hard)
PR Spring Extraction
MooBench: JDK 11 to 21 update -> Examine changes in SSP paper
MooBench Jenkins data: https://maui.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/repo/moobench/
MooBench Jenkins data analysis: https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/tree/main/tools/compile-results
MooBench kieker-python (https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/view/Kieker/job/kieker-moobench/job/main/ fails) => David creates ticket (Created:
)Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1983 Gradle update to 8.7 should happen
Spring boot: Still in progress (David)
Security problem in documentation: Still in progess (
Reiner)Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1982 build.gradle publishing: Try to move to parent build.gradle (David)
Spring probe extraction: Wait for build in https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/view/Kieker/job/kieker-dev/view/change-requests/job/PR-548/, whether
implementation "net.kieker-monitoring:kieker:${kiekerVersion}:spring"
worksgit command not found for main release check (https://build.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/view/Kieker/job/kieker-release-check/job/main/75/console) → David contacts Matthias
Open tickets for 2.0.0
(wait for Matthias)Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1809 Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1933
Should be ready to merge
Spring: Interceptors still don’t work for spring boot, because they don’t select the methods → Is there something missing?
There is a security vulnerability:
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1982 Duplicated publishing information necessary? https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/KIEKER/issues/KIEKER-1979?
Spring web and Kieker seems to have some problem:
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1978 Check interceptors
Next meeting: 10. 4. 9:00
CI / CD: Jenkins is accesible again, move process to GH actions if manpower is available
Instrumentation technologies
Buildtime instrumentation is also implemented currently → Compare performance and probably leave it as option in the code
Meeting for paper at next Kieker dev meeting (either camera ready planning or QRS resubmission)
Disruptor: Not needed for current MooBench measurements, and it would require a bigger refactoring (creation of onXRecord for each record in WriterController); therefore, we don’t do it for now (even if it would reduce GC activity)
1.15.5 release is required to have a stable version of Kieker that is compatible with Java 21 (currently, AspectJ is not compatible to Java 21)
MooBench memory leak: Based on analysis of heap dumps, it seems like the RotatingLogFilePoolHandler caused the problem: https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/blob/371a9095a1bc212dbd422afdf831197bd50794cf/monitoring/src/kieker/monitoring/writer/filesystem/RotatingLogFilePoolHandler.java#L85 (We have ~5000 files in the ArrayList)
First solution: increase
and decreasemaxLogFiles
for MooBenchLong-term solution: Change default parameters in Kieker (currently, we have only 25 000 entries in one file, resulting in files of ~1.5 MB): https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/blob/371a9095a1bc212dbd422afdf831197bd50794cf/monitoring/src-resources/META-INF/kieker.monitoring.default.properties#L338
Overall architecture: Have one monitoring module with submodules monitoring-core and one module for each agent: monitoring-aspectj, monitoring-disl, monitoring-javassist, monitoring-bytebuddy
Each agent should be provided as individual jar
Only the required classes should be contained (no analysis classes)
Java 11 PR problem: Was caused by a deprecated test → Removed and try again
DiSL PR problem: Was caused by missing Kieker license header for DiSL → Changed and try again
Is https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/tree/main/continuous-integration still relevant (or is this replaced by the Jenkinsfile)?
Would it make sense to migrate https://maui.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/repo/moobench/ to github?
Java 21 support requires an AspectJ update
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 91cef256-0ee5-36d6-b7a4-90d687f868f3 key KIEKER-1971 Hopefully, there is some way changing the classpath in the aspectj gradle plugin:https://github.com/freefair/gradle-plugins/issues/1005
Didn’t work in https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/actions/runs/7421185662/job/20194020069
Somehow magically worked in https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/actions/runs/7424136205 - maybe the update to was already sufficient for our featureset? (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/pull/480 )
There was still a configuration error in
; wait for Jenkins build and than merge
Refactoring MooBench (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/issues/9 )
Started and works basically for Kieker (except the Java 21 thing)
Adapted for OpenTelemetry-java (is this good style? https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/moobench/blob/59f09ebecb9d908b7da93613107670dbaa8053e7/frameworks/OpenTelemetry-java/functions.sh#L45
Kieker-python still needs adaption (copy OpenTelemetry-java style?)
Do we want to continue inspectIT regular execution (since the website still has the roadmap for 2022…) → Leave it running, but remove it if problems occur
Website still needs adaption → Currently failure due to unknown error; rerun on Jenkins started
In general: Change to “Kieker-java-aspectj”, “Kieker-java-DiSL”, …? → Yes
Kieker usage for Micro-company (https://github.com/DaGeRe/micro-company/tree/kieker ): How to fix logging issue?
TeeTime does not compile → We need GH actions like for Kieker: https://github.com/teetime-framework/TeeTime/pull/45
Locally, when checking out Kieker, sometimes the error “Could not find teetime-3.1.0-test.jar (de.cau.cs.se.teetime:teetime:3.1.0).” occurs. Is there a solution / workaround for this?
Ask Reiner: What is the rights situation with TeeTime? We need the rights to merge at least
If there is no TeeTime organization anymore, it might make sense to fork the core TeeTime to the kieker organization and consider it as another Kieker project
Next meeting: 24.1. 10:00
Documentation: Reiner fixed quickstart guide (https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/blob/main/documentation/quick-start-guide.rst )
Open PR: Reiner has a look at https://github.com/kieker-monitoring/kieker/pull/421
AOPalliance ticket: David finalizes https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/browse/KIEKER-1962https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/browse/KIEKER-1962
Instrumentation research: Besides DiSL, we could try BISM (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10009-023-00708-z)