Meeting Wed, January 15, 2014 @ 10:30-12:00h (time zone: CET/Berlin time), Room CAP4 1210 / Adobe Connect
- See our instructions on how to join (in person or via web conference)
List of Participants
- André
- Holger
- Jan
- Nils
- Willi
- Florian
- Peer
- Björn
- Henry
1. Presentations/demonstrations today
- <none>
2. Kieker @ XY + Related Events
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
- Eprints (re)indexing
- Kieker/Palladio Days '13
- Feedback to be considered for KPDAYS '14 (add your points)
- Contact Alex, Christoph (talk?)
- talk on their experiences/contributions?
- -> reference page
- LinkedIn group -> Logo on Kieker web site?
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SISY.2013.6662557 (Kieker+DiSL)
b. Upcoming
- ICPE '14 tutorial
- Kieker/inspectIT meeting (Fr 14.02.2013 09:30-12:00)
- Plan 15 min presentation about research around Kieker
- Participants: André, Florian, Jan, Teerat, ?Willi, ...
- WebEx test Fri Jan 17 @ 12h? (or other Fri same time)
- Agenda
- [60 min] Vorstellung inspectIT und Diskussion der inspectIT Ansätze - Vorstellung erfolgt anhand der DVDStore Applikation - [15 min] Kurze Vorstellung der Erweiterungen von Kieker (Wir kennen Kieker Core bereits, haben jedoch verstanden, dass es einige Erweiterungen gibt, die noch nicht in den Core eingeflossen sind. Es wäre sehr interessant hier einen kurzen Überblick zu erhalten) - [10 min / 10 min] Kurze Vorstellung der geplanten nächsten Schritte in inspectIT und Kieker - [45 min] Diskussion gemeinsamer Zielsetzungen mit dem Ziel eine - für beide Parteien - zielführende Zusammenarbeit zu bewirken - [10 min] Next steps
- GSoC '14
- Two industrial requests
- GPL audit tool + results
- How to provide more end-user friendliness? (e.g., pre packaged downloads, without programming) -> ticket
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.9 scheduled for April 16, 2014
- Hotlist for upcoming release:
4. Status of Current Activities
a. Web Site/Trac
- Blog
- Post on WebGUI?
- Ideas for upcoming posts? (existing ticket for this?)
- Publication process?
- Page for teaching activities #1102
- Live demo #500, #1109
b. Web GUI
- Cockpit/Display concept
- Web cast?
- Feature wish: built-in support for APM, profiling etc. (example projects?)
- Automatic regression tests in CI #1094
- Documentation to be included in user guide
- Trac page (to be filled): wiki:opad
- Trac page for tslib?
- To be moved (reusable components) to Kieker core distribution (in progress)
- Possible integration of Nicolas's work (Descartes, KIT; Kieker Days slides)
5. Research and Teaching Context
Research Projects
- PubFlow
- iObserve
- Ensure
- Hora
Study Theses
- Open: List of possible topics
- Completed (since last meeting):
- <none>
- Running:
- bha: "Reverse Engineering and Analyzing Plugin-based Java Applications with Kieker" aka "Kieker in Space" (Master's thesis)
- bjw: "Evaluation of Trace Reduction Techniques for Online Trace Visualization Utilizing Kieker" (MSc)
- sma: "C instrumentation" (MSc)
- Upcoming:
- jwe: "Delphi intrumentation" (Dipl)
- mzl: "Kieker Benchmarks in Jenkins" (BSc)
- pst: "Scalable and Live Trace Processing in the Cloud" (BSc)
Student Projects
Recently completed:
- Evaluation of Java Monitoring Tools (in collaboration with NovaTec)
- Evaluation of Java Profiling Tools (in collaboration with NovaTec)
- RSS:
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien") Software Engineering
- Integration of Performance Testing in CI environments (in collaboration with Adesso AG)
- Master Process Analysis
- Analysis of Performance Testing Processes (in collaboration with Adesso AG)
- Master's development project
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien") Software Engineering
- RSS:
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien")
- Evaluation of tools for performance data analysis and visualization (in collaboration with Capgemini)
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien")
- CAU:
- Master's Project on Distributed Monitoring
6. Misc
- Update poster -> ICPE '14 #1112
- Ideas for Future Activities
Open table
Next meetings
Topics for future meetings
- Reiner (monitoring C programs)
- Nils (restructuring analysis (asynchronous; buffers), (not)use of EMF for analysis configurations) -> Kieker/Palladio Days?
- Create SIGs?
- e.g., to coordinate/consolidate distributed efforts on common topics)
- They may be permanent or temporary
- Example SIGs
- Kieker.APM
- Web UI
- Anomaly detection
- Distributed tracing
- Adaptive instrumentation
- Self-*
- Benchmarking
- Performance testing (incl. CI env.)
- Model extraction/architecture discovery
- Visualization
- Usability
- Analysis framework
- Model-driven instrumentation and analysis
- ...
- Kieker.APM
- Could associate tickets with SIGs
- Trac/Web site for SIG with roadmap w.r.t. planned Kieker features in this area
- May include non-Kieker associates which are specialists in this field
- Kieker/Palladio Days 2014: Ideas list
, multiple selections available,