Test Wrapper Scripts
bin/convertLoggingTimestamp.sh \ --timestamps 1283156545581511026 1283156546127117246
Inspect generated .html/.txt files
bin/trace-analysis.sh --inputdirs examples/userguide/ch5--trace-monitoring-aspectj/testdata/kieker-20100830-082225522-UTC/ --outputdir tmp/ \ --plot-Deployment-Component-Dependency-Graph \ --plot-Assembly-Component-Dependency-Graph \ --plot-Container-Dependency-Graph \ --plot-Deployment-Operation-Dependency-Graph \ --plot-Assembly-Operation-Dependency-Graph \ --plot-Aggregated-Deployment-Call-Tree --plot-Aggregated-Assembly-Call-Tree \ --print-Deployment-Equivalence-Classes --print-Assembly-Equivalence-Classes \ --plot-Aggregated-Deployment-Call-Tree --plot-Aggregated-Assembly-Call-Tree \ --short-labels bin/trace-analysis.sh --inputdirs examples/userguide/ch5--trace-monitoring-aspectj/testdata/kieker-20100830-082225522-UTC/ --outputdir tmp/ --select-traces \ 6488138950668976141 6488138950668976129 6488138950668976130 6488138950668976131 \ --plot-Deployment-Sequence-Diagrams --plot-Assembly-Sequence-Diagrams \ --plot-Call-Trees --print-Message-Traces --print-Execution-Traces \ --short-labels
Use the kax file from the previous examples:
bin/kax-viz.sh -i ./tmp/traceAnalysis.kax
bin/kax-run.sh -i ./tmp2/traceAnalysis.kax
bin/dotPic-fileConverter.sh tmp/ pdf ps png
bin/logReplay.sh \ -i examples/userguide/ch5--trace-monitoring-aspectj/testdata/kieker-20100830-082225522-UTC/ \ -k true -r false diff -r examples/userguide/ch5--trace-monitoring-aspectj/testdata/kieker-20100830-082225522-UTC/kieker-20100830-082225582-UTC-Thread-2.dat \ <replayed dat file (see kieker.log)>
To execute this example it is necessary to have netcat (nc) installed.
First, run without parameter, which should return the usage information indicating the main class is found.
And second, testing the two TCP server bridges tcp-server and tcp-single-server. Both can be tested similarly. The variable $TYPE must be substituted for that with the different bridge type names.
- $TYPE = tcp-server or tcp-single-server
- port = 35500
- libraries for the test are = build/libs/kieker-1.12.jar (use correct version number).
- The mapfile.map and kieker-test-data.datcan be found in kieker/kieker-documentation/kdb/ in the Kieker repository.
bin/kieker-data-bridge.sh -t $TYPE -p 35500 -v -s -m mapfile.map -L build/libs/kieker-1.12.jar # Command with TYPE=`tcp-server` bin/kieker-data-bridge.sh -t tcp-server -p 35500 -v -s -m mapfile.map -L build/libs/kieker-1.12.jar # Command with TYPE=`tcp-single-server` bin/kieker-data-bridge.sh -t tcp-single-server -p 35500 -v -s -m mapfile.map -L build/libs/kieker-1.12.jar # Wait until the service is ready # Start another shell nc localhost 35500 < kieker-test-data.dat
The output for tcp-server should be similar to this one:
INFO: Received 100 records Sep 19, 2015 4:50:40 PM kieker.tools.bridge.connector.tcp.TCPMultiServerConnectionRunnable run INFO: Listener 14 terminated at end of stream.
To terminate the service ^C and wait some time for termination.
For the tcp-single-server, the bridge should terminate automatically when the nc terminates the connection.
Note: We could also test the other connectors. However, this is extremely cumbersome to do so, as it requires setting up a JMS service and proper data sources. However, these aspects are usually tested with the integration tests.