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  1. How do I develop a new feature for the Kieker core?
  2. How do I get my feature into Kieker master?
  3. How should I name my branch?
  4. How do I build Kieker?

    Use the gradle wrapper script, not your own gradle installation, and execute:

    gradlew.bat aspectJJar

    This command builds Kieker's AspectJ version.

    If you just want to build your current Kieker project, for example, to manually test a feature on your local computer, we recommend to disable the execution of both the quality assurance checks and the tests by using "-x check":

    gradlew.bat aspectJJar -x check

    For more information about Gradle's phases for Java applications, we refer to

  5. How do I check my code contributions for code quality issues?

    Use the gradle wrapper script, not your own gradle installation, and execute:

    gradlew.bat checkThresholds -x test

    This command execute the quality assurance tools Findbugs, PMD, and Checkstyle.