Developer FAQ
- How do I set up my IDE?
- How do I develop a new feature for the Kieker core?
- How do I get my feature into Kieker master?
- How should I name my branch?
How do I build Kieker?
Use the gradle wrapper script, not your own gradle installation, and execute:
gradlew.bat aspectJJar
This command builds Kieker's AspectJ version.
If you just want to build your current Kieker project, for example, to manually test a feature on your local computer, we recommend to disable the execution of both the quality assurance checks and the tests by using "-x check":
gradlew.bat aspectJJar -x check
For more information about Gradle's phases for Java applications, we refer to
How do I check my code contributions for code quality issues?
Use the gradle wrapper script, not your own gradle installation, and execute:
gradlew.bat checkThresholds
This command execute the quality assurance tools Findbugs, PMD, and Checkstyle.
If you just want to check your current Kieker project on your local computer, for example, to prepare a pull request, we recommend to disable the execution of tests by using "-x test":
gradlew.bat checkThresholds -x test