Meeting Wed, Jan. 30, 2013 @ 10.00-11.30 h, Room CAP4 1210
0. Short presentations/demonstrations today
1. Kieker @ XY
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
b. Upcoming
- SPP Workshop, Aachen (part of SE 2013)
- ESN?
c. Other Projects
2. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.7/2.0 scheduled for April 17, 2013
- Hotlist
- #738: Properties for projects (to be merged back)
- #515: Maven repository for Kieker releases
- #500: Live installation/server (see also OPAD)
- #9: Screen casts
- #640: Adaptive monitoring --> DONE?
- WebGUI: Cockpit/Display concept + schedule
- #73 Ecore-based meta model for trace analysis
- Google Summer of Code
4. Status of Current Activities
a. Web Site
- Google Analytics/Privacy issue (#749) -> also applies to SE site
- Redirect for old URLs! #752
b. Web GUI
c. PubFlow
- Follow-up thesis by TF (to start on ??)
- Git + Jenkins + Quick start?
- Trac page (to be filled): wiki:opad
- Trac page for tslib?
- To be moved (reusable components) to Kieker core distribution (in progress)
- Issue: license of CEP engine
- #500: "Live server" with sample application and OPAD interface hosted on SE machine (samoa?) -> bjw
- Possible integration Nicolas's work (Descartes, KIT; Kieker Days slides)
e. DynaMod / MAMBA
- model repository (b+m, Master's thesis bes)
- session extraction (exists in a branch by Holger -> to be integrated; ticket)
- API for embedded trace analysis (#703)
f. iObserve
g. Diploma Theses
- jwe: Delphi (to start in Spring 2013)
- nbw: Eprints (perl?)
- topics/students?
5. Misc
6. Ideas for Future Activities:
Open table
Next meetings
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