Meeting Wed, Mar. 06, 2013 @ 10.00-11.30 h, Room CAP4 1210
0. Short presentations/demonstrations today
- nbw: Status Eprints instrumentation (~ 10 Min.)
- rju: Kieker Data Bridge and Instrumentation Language (20130306-KDB-and-IDL.pdf) (~ 25 Min.)
- Free registrations
- DiSL tutorial
2. Kieker @ XY
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
- SPP Workshop, Aachen (part of SE 2013)
b. Upcoming
c. Other Projects
- Callcount
- fly is a a fork of https://github.com/xDSx/fly
- Magnify https://github.com/cbart/magnify generates software graphs from Java project (Jar etc.). Fly adds runtime information
- R. Dąbrowski: On Architecture Warehouses and Software Intelligence. In Proc. 4th International Mega-Conference on Future Generation Information Technology (FGIT~2012), Springer, 2012, 7709, 251-262
Abstract. By architecture of a software system we typically denote the knowledge about the organization of the system, the relationships among its components and the principles governing their design. By including artifacts coresponding to software engineering processes, the definition gets naturally extended into the architecture of a software system and process. This paper recalls theoretical model for representing architectural knowledge based on directed multi-graph, defines an architecture warehouse implementation of the model capable of representing the complete architecture of a software system and process, and shows how it can be harnessed to create a software intelligence layer providing software architects with a toolset for software analysis and visualisation. The reasoning is supported by examples depicting warehouse implementation and results obtained from its application to a sample software project.
- Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/Kieker.shtml
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.7 scheduled for April 17, 2013
- Trac 1.7 Milestone
- Release schedule: #796
- Hotlist
- #515: Maven repository for Kieker releases
- #500: Live installation/server (see also OPAD)
- #9: Screen casts
- #640: Adaptive monitoring --> DONE?
- WebGUI: Cockpit/Display concept + schedule
- #73 Ecore-based meta model for trace analysis
- Google Summer of Code 2013 (announced on Feb 11)
- Ticket in SE Trac
- 1. Step: Mentoring Organization Proposal (core part: ideas list) to be submitted from March 18-29
- Ideas for projects:
- UML integration (use of UML2 mm direct/transformation, export to visualization tools, ...)
- (Time series) visualization (connect to established tools)
- "Big data" (connect to log management tools like Splunk/Graylog2, NoSQL/NewSQL, data analytics)
- Improvements to analysis framework (composite filters, CEP-based analyses, ...)
- Importer (interface) for importing standard log formats (e.g., Apache)
- Connector to SoftwareEKG
- Adaptive monitoring
- Improve/refactor TraceAnalysis tool
- Connector for IaaS infrastructures (e.g., Amazon CloudWatch)
- Monitoring adapters for platforms other than Java
- Ask Holger for ideas ... (real case studies/data)
- Joint projects with industrial partners
- ...
4. Status of Current Activities
a. Web Site
b. Web GUI
- Cockpit/Display concept
c. PubFlow
- Follow-up thesis by TF (to start on ??)
- Git + Jenkins + Quick start?
- Trac page (to be filled): wiki:opad
- Trac page for tslib?
- To be moved (reusable components) to Kieker core distribution (in progress)
- Issue: license of CEP engine
- #500: "Live server" with sample application and OPAD interface hosted on SE machine (samoa?) -> bjw
- Possible integration Nicolas's work (Descartes, KIT; Kieker Days slides)
e. DynaMod / MAMBA
- model repository (b+m, Master's thesis bes)
- session extraction (exists in a branch by Holger -> to be integrated; ticket)
- API for embedded trace analysis (#703)
f. iObserve
g. Diploma Theses
- nbw: Eprints (perl?)
- TF
- jwe: Delphi (to start in Spring 2013)
- topics/students?
- ICANS proposal for internships, study theses: list of topics (.pdf)
5. Misc
6. Ideas for Future Activities:
Open table
Next meetings
- Fri, April 12, 10:00h (Adobe Connect)
, multiple selections available,