Meeting Wed, June 26, 2015 @ 10:30-12:00h (time zone: CEST/Berlin time), Adobe Connect
- See our instructions on how to join (in person or via web conference)
List of Participants
- Andre van Hoorn
- Thomas Düllmann
- Christian W.
- Reiner
- Willi
1. Presentations/demonstrations/discussions today
- Infrastructure:
- New Kieker accounts registered:
- Atlassian #1654: https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/
- GitHub: https://github.com/kieker-monitoring
- GitHub for Docker: https://github.com/kieker-monitoring-docker
- GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kieker-monitoring
- DockerHub: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/kieker/
- Work on Docker: wiki:docker-container, #1656
- Move Kieker Gits to GitHub? (+ additional infrastructure?) #1644
- Related: First, it would make sense to discuss our development process/workflow for merges. Possible template (in progress): https://inspectit-performance.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEV/Development+Process+Discussion
- New Kieker accounts registered:
- Roadmap, future organization structure
- Please make suggestions for possible presentations in future meetings!
- David Georg Reichelt, U Leipzig
2. Kieker @ XY + Related Events
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
- ...
b. Upcoming
- Symposium on Software Performance 2015, November 4-6, 2015, Munich, Germany
- Follow-up meeting with Ana
- <add items>
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.12 scheduled for October 1, 2015
4. Status of Current Activities
- Jenny Dittmann (Hiwi): Kieker-based Visualizations as Eclipse-Plugin
- Netflix Case Study
- Docker examples
a. Web Site/Trac
- Blog
- Ideas for upcoming posts? (existing ticket for this?)
- Nils on Trace UI
- Blog entry on Eprints by C. Zirkelbach? -> #1525
b. Web GUI
- Roadmap -> towards an Open APM Tool?
- Cockpit/Display concept
- Web cast?
- Feature wish: built-in support for APM, profiling etc. (example projects?)
c. TeeTime as P&F framework
- ...
5. Research and Teaching Context
Research Projects/Collaborations
Study Theses
- Open: List of possible topics
- Recently completed (since last meeting):
- Please include recently completed theses here and announce them via the kieker-research list
- Running:
- (Stuttgart) C. Waldvogel: Specification and Runtime Extraction of Enterprise Application Architectures for Expert-Guided Performance Problem Diagnosis
- (Kiel) C. Zirkelbach: Monitoring and Visualizing JDBC Calls
- Upcoming:
- ...
Student Projects
- Recently completed (since last meeting):
- Please include recently completed projects here and announce them via the kieker-research list
- Running:
- ...
- Upcoming:
- ...
7. Misc
- Ideas for Future Activities
Open table
Next meetings
, multiple selections available,