Meeting Mon, October 08, 2012 @ 2 PM to 4 PM, Room CAP4 1210
0. Short presentations/demonstrations today
- PubFlow
- Status of PubFlow Web interface (pcb ~15 min) -> postponed
- Adaptive Monitoring:
- API and some implementation details (bjw ~15 min) -> slides (AdaptiveMonitoring.pdf)
- WebGUI:
- Demonstration of beta-version to be part of release 1.6 (nie ~ 15 min)
- 15.00h: Presentation of Master's thesis results:
- Philipp Döhring presents the results of his Master's thesis, entitled "Visualisierung von Synchronisationspunkten in Kombination mit der Statik und Dynamik eines Softwaresystems" (in German)
2. Kieker @ XY
Hamburg Web Performance Group
- Bielefeld and A. van Hoorn: "OPAD: Online Performance Anomaly Detection with Kieker"
- Date: Wed, October 24, 2012, 7:00-9:30pm
- Venue: Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Gasstraße 6, Hamburg Google Maps
- Details and registration: http://www.meetup.com/Hamburg-Web-Performance-Group/events/84491772/
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.6 scheduled for October 17, 2012
a. Web Site (new)
b. Web Site (misc)
c. Web GUI #18
- classloader issue
- p&f editor
- server back-end
d. Documentation
- Restructure user guide
- Developer Guide, Javadoc, Tests
e. Spring/CXF/Java EE example (mlo)
- #315 (Change JavaEEServletContainerExample to use Jetty instead of Tomcat)
f. 3D Trace Visualization for Large Software Landscapes (ffi)
g. PubFlow / Workflow monitoring
- Git + Jenkins + Quick start?
- Trac page (to be filled): wiki:opad
- Trac page for tslib?
- To be moved (reusable components) to Kieker core distribution (in progress)
- Issue: license of CEP engine
- #500: "Live server" with sample application and OPAD interface hosted on SE machine (samoa?) -> mlo?
i. MAMBA & Student Project
- Developing (static and dynamic) extractor for KDM
- related to #73 (ecore-based meta model for trace analysis)
- Integration of results (#539)
- Extraction of UML2 models (+ Visualizations for, e.g., Papyrus)
- Integration of SEPVS results (KDM filters/repository, #539) + KDM2UML visualization + KDM plans?
j. DynaMod /
- model repository (b+m, Master's thesis bes)
l. SLAstic
m. Diploma Theses
- pdo (running): "Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Visualisierung von Synchronisationspunkten zusammen mit der Statik und Dynamik eines Softwaresystems"
- topics/students?
- ICANS proposal for internships, study theses: list of topics (.pdf)
m. b+m FGCenter-related Tickets
- current activity by bjw -> #121: Runtime (de)activation of probes
- Pending
5. KoSSE-Symposium: Application Performance Management (Kieker Days 2012)
- Thu/Fri, Nov. 29/30, 2012 @ Wissenschaftszentrum, Kiel
- Diwish calendar entry with details (to be completed)
6. Misc
7. Ideas for Future Activities:
- #500: Live installation/server (see also OPAD)
- #499: "Merchandising" mainly for those of us interested; e.g.,
- Polo shirt -> ORDER?
- Sticker for laptop etc. -> on their way
- Database of monitoring logs
- Screen casts (#9)
- #515: Maven repository for Kieker releases
- (Patterns for) Importers for other logs, e.g., Apache access log (#522)
- Presentation by ffi on dashboard design
- Google Summer of Code
- Heise news (in German): http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Google-zieht-Fazit-zum-Summer-of-Code-2012-1679173.html
- Get Published by the IEEE Computer Society -> avh requested additional information
Open table
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