Meeting Mon, December 15, 2014 @ 10:00-11:30h (time zone: CET/Berlin time), Room CAP4 1210 / Adobe Connect
- See our instructions on how to join (in person or via web conference)
List of Participants
- André van Hoorn
- Thomas Düllmann
- Reiner Jung
- Florian Fittkau
- Christian Z.
- Christian Wulf
- Willi Hasselbring
- Ana Nicolaescu
- Holger Knoche
1. Presentations/demonstrations today
- Ana Nicolaescu: "Run-time Monitoring-based Evaluation and Communication Integrity Validation of Software Architectures"
Abstract. Architecture descriptions greatly contribute to the understanding, evaluation and evolution of software but despite this, up-to-date software architecture views are rarely available. Typically, only initial descriptions of the static view are created but during the development and evolution process the software drifts away from its description. Methods and corresponding tool support for reconstructing and evaluating the current architecture views have been developed and proposed, but they usually address the reconstruction of static and dynamic views separately. Furthermore, according to our observations in the industry, these tools are rarely applied, as they lack important features to enable a meaningful monitoring. To overcome this, we are working on ARAMIS, a general architecture for building tool-based approaches that support the architecture-centric evolution and evaluation of software systems with a strong focus on their behavior.
Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/AnaMariaDragomir/apsec-2014-presentationrq
- Please make suggestions for possible presentations in future meetings!
- Future:
- T. Pitakrat/A. van Hoorn: Kieker-based Framework for System Event Classification and Prediction by Means of Machine Learning
- rju: TeeTime in iObserve
2. Kieker @ XY + Related Events
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
- Disputation Jan Waller, Dec 12, 2014, 1PM
- Symposium on Software Performance 2014 (Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days)
- Topics for wiki:Meetings/meeting-20141126
b. Upcoming
- GSoC 2015
- <add items>
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.11 scheduled for April 1, 2015
4. Status of Current Activities
a. Web Site/Trac
- Live demo updates
- Blog
- Ideas for upcoming posts? (existing ticket for this?)
- Blog entry on Eprints by C. Zirkelbach? -> #1525
b. Web GUI
- Roadmap -> towards an Open APM Tool?
- Cockpit/Display concept
- Web cast?
- Feature wish: built-in support for APM, profiling etc. (example projects?)
c. TeeTime as P&F framework
- ...
5. Research and Teaching Context
Research Projects/Collaborations
- PubFlow
- iObserve
- Ensure
- Hora
- diagnoseIT
- RG DevOps Performance WG
Study Theses
- Open: List of possible topics
- Recently completed (since last meeting):
- Please include recently completed theses here and announce them via the kieker-research list
- Running:
- ...
- Upcoming:
- ...
Student Projects
- Recently completed (since last meeting):
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien")
- Evaluation of tools for performance data analysis and visualization (in collaboration with Capgemini)
- Please include recently completed projects here and announce them via the kieker-research list
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien")
- Running:
- ...
- Upcoming:
- ...
7. Misc
- Ideas for Future Activities
Open table
Next meetings
Topics for future meetings
- Reiner (monitoring C programs)
- Christian, Nils (restructuring analysis (asynchronous; buffers), (not)use of EMF for analysis configurations) -> Kieker/Palladio Days?
- Create SIGs?
- e.g., to coordinate/consolidate distributed efforts on common topics)
- They may be permanent or temporary
- Example SIGs
- Kieker.APM
- Web UI
- Anomaly detection
- Distributed tracing
- Adaptive instrumentation
- Self-*
- Benchmarking
- Performance testing (incl. CI env.)
- Model extraction/architecture discovery
- Visualization
- Usability
- Analysis framework
- Model-driven instrumentation and analysis
- ...
- Kieker.APM
- Could associate tickets with SIGs
- Trac/Web site for SIG with roadmap w.r.t. planned Kieker features in this area
- May include non-Kieker associates which are specialists in this field