Meeting Fri, Apr. 12, 2013 @ 10.00-12.00h (time zone: CEST/Berlin time), Room CAP4 1210 / Adobe Connect
- See our instructions on how to join (in person or via web conference)
List of Participants
- André van Hoorn (Remote)
- Willi Hasselbring
- Jan Waller
- Nils Ehmke
- Björn Weißenfels
- Tom Frotscher
- Stefan Kaes (Remote)
- Reiner Jung
- Pascal
0. Presentations/demonstrations today
- Proposal talks for Master's theses:
- (10:00-10:30) Tom Frotscher: "Architecture Based Multivariate Anomaly Detection for Software Systems" (includes presentation of OPAD integration status #558)
- (10:30-11:00) Nils Ehmke: "Development of a Concurrent and Distributed Pipes and Filters Analysis Framework for Kieker"
- Welcome of new Hiwis
- bjw (~10 min): Status live demo (#500): http://demo.kieker-monitoring.net/
1. Kieker @ XY
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
- Proposal for Bachelor/Master's thesis @ Capgemini (Düsseldorf)
- SoPeCo @ SAPR
- GSoC
- IRC meeting in #gsoc on Freenode on Friday, April 19, 2013 at 16:00 UTC.
- TODO: Deactivate /gsoc{20}13/ URL; remove/hide wiki landing page
b. Upcoming
2. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.7 scheduled for April 17, 2013
- Trac 1.7 Milestone
- Release schedule: #796
- To be considered: Release of WebGUI
- Hotlist (to be created):
- Restructure user guide (could start with quick start #124)
- ...
3. Status of Current Activities
a. Web Site/Trac
- (Reactivate) anonymous tickets? SPAM control!
- New: Blog
- Ideas for upcoming posts?
- New/preliminary: Open thesis topics (#876)
- Idea to create tickets for each topic
- Planned: Jobs/positions (#877)
- Idea: Page for teaching activities (student projects?)
b. Web GUI
- Cockpit/Display concept
c. PubFlow
- TODO: Documentation?
- Trac page (to be filled): wiki:opad
- Trac page for tslib?
- To be moved (reusable components) to Kieker core distribution (in progress)
- Issue: license of CEP engine
- Possible integration Nicolas's work (Descartes, KIT; Kieker Days slides)
f. iObserve
- Data Bridge (#798)
g. Study Theses
- nbw (completed)
- Blog post?
- Link to final version of thesis?
- tfr (running)
- jwe (upcoming?): Delphi (to start in Spring 2013)
- topics/students?
- ICANS proposal for internships, study theses: list of topics (.pdf)
h. (Other) Teaching Activities
- Student Projects
- CAU: Master's project? (this Summer semester)
- RSS: Development project (summer semester)
4. Misc
- Kieker Days 2013
5. Ideas for Future Activities:
Open table
Next meetings
, multiple selections available,