Meeting Thu, June 20, 2013 @ 10.00-11.30h (time zone: CEST/Berlin time), Room CAP4 1210 / Adobe Connect
- See our instructions on how to join (in person or via web conference)
List of Participants
- André van Hoorn (remote)
- Teerat Pitakrat (remote)
- Nils Ehmke
- Jan Waller
- Björn Weißenfels
- Benjamin Harms
- Tom Frotscher
- Florian Fittkau
- Peer Brauer
- Reiner Jung
- Willi Hasselbring
1. Presentations/demonstrations today
- ffi: CI integration of Kieker/monitoring tools #1019 (short demo by ffi)
- nie: Current state of the WebGUI (New Displays etc.)
- rju: #805 Kieker page at http://www.spreadshirt.de/
2. Kieker @ XY + Related Events
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
- NovaTec blog post about Kieker
- SEPVS lecture by Jan on May 22
- Recap idea of weekly meetings + Move next meeting(s) by one hour (24.6., 1.7., 8.7., 15.7.)?
b. Upcoming
- Tool demo by NovaTec on Fr. July 19 @ 13-15h
- Participation in Zahra Karimi's study on developer habits ("Looking at programmers' personal coding habits to predict future faults in source code")
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker 1.8 scheduled for October 17, 2013
- Hotlist:
4. Status of Current Activities
a. Web Site/Trac
- #1021: redesign web site?
- #845 Homepage: A page for consulting
- Blog
- Ideas for upcoming posts? (existing ticket for this?)
- Publication process?
- Idea: Page for teaching activities (student projects?)
- Live demo #500
b. Web GUI
- Cockpit/Display concept
- Feature wish: built-in support for APM, profiling etc. (example projects?)
- Documentation to be included in user guide
- Trac page (to be filled): wiki:opad
- Trac page for tslib?
- To be moved (reusable components) to Kieker core distribution (in progress)
- Issue: license of CEP engine
- Possible integration of Nicolas's work (Descartes, KIT; Kieker Days slides)
d. Data Bridge
- Integration (#798)
5. Research and Teaching Context
Research Projects
- PubFlow
- iObserve
Study Theses
- Open: List of possible topics
- Running:
- tfr: "Architecture Based Multivariate Anomaly Detection for Software Systems" (Master's thesis)
- nie: "Development of a Concurrent and Distributed Pipes and Filters Analysis Framework for Kieker" (Master's thesis)
- tsj: "Adaptive Monitoring of Perl Applications with Kieker" (Master's thesis)
- bha: "Reverse Engineering and Analyzing Plugin-based Java Applications with Kieker" aka "Kieker in Space" (Master's thesis)
- jbey: "Technology Evaluation for the Communication between the Monitoring and Analysis Component in Kieker" (Bachelor's thesis)
- mass: "Comparing the Performance of different Monitoring Frameworks with Micro-Benchmarks" (Bachelor's thesis)
- mko: "Tracking User Actions for the Web-based Frontend of ExplorViz" (Bachelor's thesis)
- flb: "Reconstruction of Workflows with the Help of Kieker Monitoring Records" (Bachelor's thesis)
- Upcoming:
Student Projects
- CAU:
- RSS:
- Master's development project "A Repository-Based Software Analytics Platform"
- Ecore-based system model
- Web-based visualizations
- Bachelor's Specialist Research ("Fachstudien") Software Engineering
- Evaluation of Java Monitoring Tools (in collaboration with NovaTec)
- Evaluation of Java Profiling Tools (in collaboration with NovaTec)
- Master's development project "A Repository-Based Software Analytics Platform"
- RSS:
6. Misc
- Update poster
- Kieker Days 2013
- Ideas for Future Activities
Open table
Next meetings
, multiple selections available,
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