Kieker Analysis (Tool) Migration

Kieker Analysis (Tool) Migration

In the course of the migration of the old Kieker Pipe-and-Filter Architecture to TeeTime, we revise the Kieker analysis at several points. All steps of creating analysis models and work with them are now located in Kieker´s analysis component.

The following table given an overview of the new and the old analysis (tool):

FeatureNew Kieker AnalysisOld Kieker Analysis/Trace Analysis Tool

Pipe-and-Filter frameworkTeeTimeKieker´s old internal one

Pipe-and-Filter Configuration
  • Example configuration to demonstrate behavior

  • More specific configurations have to be created
Dynamic class in the Trace Analysis Tool that creates a Configuration based on the user´s input. This class is very large

Command Line Interfacecurrently notyes

GUIcurrently notyes

Handling of Monitoring Records
  • Event Records
    • Before, After, AfterFailed
should support all Kieker Monitoring Records (Frage)

Analysis modelsImplemented with Eclipse Modeling FrameworkImplemented in Java

Statistics modelSeparated to be more extendableStatistics belong to entity

Median as statistics property

yes, efficient implementation:

insert: O(log(n)
get: O(1)


Statistics represented as time seriesno, but some infrastructure existsno
TracesCreation of In-Memory Trace Modelsyesyes
Creation of Traces/Call Trees (for Export)Dot, GraphML, BlueprintsDot, PDF from Dot
Creation of Sequence Diagrams (Export)noPic, PDF from Pic
Aggregation of all tracesno (but very similar to operation dependency graphs so debatable if necessary)Dot, PDF from Dot
Aggregation of equal tracesyes, but currently no mapping to output formatsno
Trace repair functionalitynoyes
Distinction between Event and Execution Tracesnoyes
Dependency GraphsCreation of In-Memory Model(s)yesyes
Creation of Dependency Graphs (for Export)Dot, GraphML, BlueprintsDot, PDF from Dot
Trace coloringnoyes
System ModelHTML representation of System Modelnoyes

Special treatment of assumed callsnoyes, if desired

Ignoring self loopsnoyes, if desired

Selecting/Excluding of single traces and time stampsyesyes

The following major parts are missing for a complete replacement of the old Trace Analysis Tool:

  • GUI/Command line interface
  • HTML output of system model
  • Sequence Diagrams

The integration of GraphViz, trace coloring, and support for other record types may also be considered as being important.

// TODO Proposal for a Webbased Trace Anaylsis Tool


Traces or call trees are trees of operation calls. They model the execution of sequential programs and, thus, start typically with a main() or Thread.run() operation.

Operation Calls

Operation calls represents an individual call of an operation (i.e., a function or method) a specific point in time. They also consist of additional information such as its execution duration or information whether its execution failed or not.

Operation calls can have "child operation calls". That are calls of operations that are called from inside this operation. In that way whole execution of a trace can be modeled.

Aggregated Traces

We aggregate traces to so called aggregated traces that are completely equal to each other. Completely equals means that they consists of the same called operations and these operations are called in the same order. The way how equivalence is defined is implemented generic and exchangeable.

Aggregated traces are currently represented as normal Traces. However, this should change in a later step and then, an own model for aggregated traces and also for their corresponding operation calls should be created.

Possible Implementation:

  • Trace => Trace<OperationCall>, AggregatedTrace => Trace<AggregatedOperationCall>
  • OperationCall and AggregatedOperationCall extend from AbstractOperationCall

Similiar Traces

Currently, we do not provide a method to aggregate "similiar" traces. However, this could be implemented in a later step.

Graph Export from Traces

Traces can be transformed to our graph model and then be exported to DOT, GraphML, and Blueprints.

System Model and Dependencies

The overall system model consists of system models at type level, at the assembly level, and at the deployment level.

Dependency Graphs

Using the system models, one can create dependency graphs. These graphs are by using our graph model and can then be exported to DOT, GraphML, and Blueprints.


Statistics are not handled and stored in the model entities, but instead in a statistics model. This statistics model can be seen as a multi-dimensional map for model entities. The following sketch gives an example of such a statistics model:

  •  Entity 1 (e.g., Deployment Context)
    • Response time
      • min: 25
      • max: 56
      • avg: 32
      • ...
  •  Entity 2 (e.g., Component Type)
    • Response time
      • ...
    • CPU utilization
      • ...
  • ...

As the example shows, the types of the entities have not necessarily be equal. And only a selected set of statistics have to be present for a given entity. 

Graph Model/Library

We developed a graph library to make the export of models as generic as possible. Therefore, we provide exporters to the DOT and the GraphML graph file format and, moreover, to a Blueprints model.

Typical Workflow: 

Transformer from Model (e.g., Trace) to Graph

Use one or more Exporter to export this graphs

Example Architecture

An example connection of the individual filters is shown in the following diagram:

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