Meeting Mon, May 02, 2016 @ 14:00-15:00h (time zone: CET/Berlin time), Adobe Connect
- See our instructions on how to join (in person or via web conference)
Selected decisions
- Christian Wulf (Unlicensed) and Florian Echternkamp push the process of the feature page creation - KIEKER-1451Getting issue details... STATUS
- Armin Möbius and Sven Ulrich to create a JIRA ticket for the Cassandra writer/reader. For the integration, automatic tests are needed. The DB writer/reader tickets could serve as a template.
- To keep everybody up-to-date regarding running study theses, please spread proposal slides, proposal documents, theses via the Kieker research mailing list.
- Andre van Hoorn will announce when the Git repository will be moved from Gitlab to GitHub. The only way to integrate changes into the master will be a merge request. "Heavy committers" will get access to the Kieker repository. For students, the default is to go via a GitHub fork and pull request.
- Next Kieker release scheduled for Oct 2016. We may decide to have it as a 2.0 version for the performance symposium (also 10th Kieker anniversary)
List of Participants
- Andre van Hoorn
- Dušan Okanović
- Reiner Jung
- Christian Wulf (Unlicensed)
- Wilhelm Hasselbring
- Armin Möbius
- Sven Ulrich
- Florian Echternkamp
1. Presentations/demonstrations/discussions today
- Armin Möbius, Sven Ulrich: Cassandra DB writer (related: issue with MySQL and SyncDBWriter: - KIEKER-1446Getting issue details... STATUS )
- Web site:
KIEK-1421Getting issue details...
- Florian Echternkamp (Master Hiwi): Short tutorial how to write/post a feature on the Kieker website?
- Infrastructure/process migration
- Migration Trac (Wiki/Tickets) → Atlassian (Confluence/Jira) - KIEK-1420Getting issue details... STATUS
- Migration GitLab→GitHub - KIEK-1432Getting issue details... STATUS
- How to we fork/integrate features. Fork on GitHub and Pull Request? Branches + Pull request? Both (depending on who does something?)
- Definition of (a) targeted delivery pipeline(s) for Kieker
- Roadmap
- Java 6 → Java 7? - KIEK-1411Getting issue details... STATUS
- Discussion w.r.t. "N+1'th visualization" (microservices)
- Next release
2. Kieker @ XY + Related Events
a. Passed Since Last Meeting
b. Upcoming
- <add items>
3. Release Planning/Roadmap
- Kieker
1.13upcoming forApril 1, 2016 - Pushing Kieker 2.0
4. Status of Current Activities
- Web site: - KIEK-1421Getting issue details... STATUS
- Hannes Strubel and Florian Echterkamp: continue with the development of the Kieker Eclipse-Plugin of Jenny Dittmann (left the university)
- goal of the plugin: visualize and interact with Kieker's dependency graphs
a. Web Site/Trac
- Blog
- Ideas for upcoming posts? (existing ticket for this?)
- Nils on Trace UI
b. Web GUI
- Roadmap -> towards an Open APM Tool?
- Cockpit/Display concept
- Web cast?
- Feature wish: built-in support for APM, profiling etc. (example projects?)
c. TeeTime as P&F framework
- Current migration state available at gitlab
- Sören Henning: Migration of Kieker Trace Analysis
5. Research and Teaching Context
Research Projects/Collaborations
Study Theses
- Open: List of possible topics
- Recently completed (since last meeting):
- ...
- Please include recently completed theses here and announce them via the kieker-research list
- Running:
- (Stuttgart) Thomas Düllmann, Change-Aware Performance Anomaly Detection in Microservice Architectures. 2016. Master’s Thesis
- Evaluation example: microservice-based versions of MediaStore/CoCoME
- (Stuttgart) Sebastian Frank, Handling Tradeoffs in Architecture-Based Performance Optimization. 2016. Bachelor’s Thesis
- (Stuttgart) Tobias Angerstein, Categorizing Performance Problems in Execution Traces, 2016. Bachelor’s Thesis
- (Stuttgart) Fabian Keller, Performance Awareness in a Language Workbench, 2016. Master’s Thesis
- (Stuttgart) Alper Hidiroglu, Rule-Based Performance Anti-Pattern Detection from Execution Traces, 2016. Bachelor's Thesis
- (Stuttgart) Tobias Angerstein, Jonathan Göggel, Frederik Riedel. Towards a Peformance-Aware Continuous Delivery. 2016 (work in progress), Special Research Software Engineering (Fachstudie)
- (Stuttgart) Alexander Bran, Alper Hidiroglu, and Manuel Palenga. Assesing the Interoperability of APM Trace Formats. 2016 (work in progress), Special Research Software Engineering (Fachstudie)
- (Kiel) Monitoring of Distributed Systems with Kieker, Master's Thesis
- Evaluation example: CoCoME
- (Kiel) Anomaly Detection with Kieker, Bachelor's Thesis
- Pure Java solution as alternative to the current dependency on the R server
- Visualizations embedded in Kieker distribution
- (Stuttgart) Thomas Düllmann, Change-Aware Performance Anomaly Detection in Microservice Architectures. 2016. Master’s Thesis
Student Projects
- Recently completed (since last meeting):
- Please include recently completed projects here and announce them via the kieker-research list
- Running:
- ...
- Upcoming:
- ...
8. Tagged Tickets
- Adding the keyword discussInMeeting to a ticket lets it appear here.
- Tagged tickets: Tickets to (re)discuss
7. Misc
- Ideas for Future Activities
Open table
Next meetings
, multiple selections available,